Monday, December 5, 2016

A Christmas in Nauvoo

Saturday night we went to the Linder Wards Christmas Party. We are obviously not a part of the Linder Ward anymore but we still love all the people in that Ward and we wanted to go and see all of our friends, also we were invited :). They had a themed party this year which was A Christmas in Nauvoo. Pioneer dress was encouraged but it was not mandatory, for those who chose not to dress like a pioneer they asked that we come in Church dress since the first portion of the evening was in the Chapel. My family chose church dress and although many people wore period clothing, plenty of people wore clothing of the 21st century. In the chapel they put on a nice program about the birth of our Savior and we sang some lovely Christmas Hymns. After that we headed into the gym where dinner was served family banquet style. I sat with my friend Denise Bryan and she kept me laughing the entire time. Kefford and Kenedy sat across from us and the other two girls sat a couple of tables over with their friends. Ryker was at a birthday party at Wahooz with a couple of his friends and did not show up until the very end. After dinner they encouraged us to walk around the "shops of Nauvoo". They had the tin shop where the kids could make Christmas ornaments. I found Avynlea in this shop helping Ezra Hurst make his ornament. 

I found Kefford in the bakery chatting with our friend Nate Hope. In the bakery you could frost sugar cookies which was a fun idea. I chose not to since I was pretty full from the ham and turkey dinner we ate.
Rylee was found in the Candy shop helping "sell" candy. She was with her friend Jules Hurst. Kenedy was wandering around looking at things with me and jumped in this picture with the girls.
I was able to visit with my good friend Judy Kinzel in the candy shop since she and her husband were the supervisors. I sure do miss that lady and was so happy to have had a chance to visit. I was glad to have been able to visit with so many friends that night. 
Ken Kinzel was snapped in a picture with
Rylee, Jules Hurst, Suzie Stolte and Laurel Stolte
I found another picture of Avynlea being a good friend and helper to Ezra on Facebook. She did not want to make her own ornament she just wanted to help him.
It was a fun night and I am really glad we went. We had so many people stop to talk to us and to tell us how much they miss us, we miss them also. Thank heavens they let us crash their parties so we can stay in touch!