Friday, November 1, 2013

Some Awesome News!

For our 15th anniversary this year Kefford told me to be ready to go by 2:00. I was ready by the appointed time and when Kefford got home he was running a little late and was in a big hurry to get out of the house. I couldn't figure out what the rush was and he then told me that I had an eye Dr appt. That made sense because I had been requesting he get me one for a while now and so I appreciated that I was able to get one in. I asked him if we were going to Dr. Iwasa because he was the one I had been going to for the past couple of years but he told me no we were going elsewhere. This is when he started getting really shady and started dodging the questions I was asking him. I couldn't figure out why he was being so weird. But then, we pulled into the Dr's parking lot, it was Hollingshead eye center and suddenly I suspected what was going on. Sure enough he took me inside and told me I was getting a consultation for Lazik Eye Surgery, Eye Surgery was my Anniversary gift! Amazing! I had my consultation and I was an above perfect candidate for the Surgery. So we made the arrangements and just like that I had a date for my eyes to be fixed.

I had to wear my glasses for a couple of weeks before the surgery which was kind of a pain but well worth it for what was going to be happening. The day of the surgery I was pretty nervous. I was not sure what was going to happen and although I have been told by everyone who has had it done that it does not hurt I was still fearful that it was going to hurt. 

Everyone their was super nice and when it was my turn I had numbing drops put in my eyes and I was led to the procedure room. When Dr Hollingshead learned from me that I was nervous he made sure to keep plenty of numbing drops in my eyes and talked me through the entire procedure telling me how good I was doing. It really didn't hurt, it smelled pretty bad because they were lazering my eyes but I did not have any pain. Lots of flashing flights, lots of clicking noises and of course that awful smell are what I remember from the actual going ons.

The coolest thing was sitting up after they were done and being able to see. It was foggy but I could see clear, it was amazing. I almost started crying because of how happy I was but I held myself together. After numerous post op visits I can report that I can see better then ever. My vision is 20/15 which is amazing. I love not having to wear glasses or being dependent on contacts. I am so glad that I had this done and am thankful that Kefford was super enough to arrange it all for me.  The following pictures are of me wearing the super attractive post op safety glasses. I had to wear them the rest of the day and then overnight. They were not uncomfortable but I was glad to not have to wear them for longer then that.

Kefford made me an ice cream cone that night and took some nice unflattering pictures of me while eating it and reading off my Kindle.