Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Random Joys

 I worked for two years for The Dance Connection which teaches Dance to kids in Pre-Schools and Daycares, kind of a traveling dance class. I really enjoyed doing it and loved the kids I was teaching. I was all set at the end of the summer to get back into teaching again when I got a phone call from my Boss. I only worked 5 hours a week which was perfect for me but one of the other girls who worked about 20 hours decided she wanted to go full time. So too bad for me I had to give my hours to the other girl and now I am no longer working for The Dance Connection. I was really sad  about the whole thing but I understood why she had to give her my hours. I didn't teach a lot and was expendable, this other girl taught a lot and I know my boss was afraid that if she didn't have the hours to give her to go full time that she would go somewhere else and she could not afford to lose her. So here I am with more free time which is really what I needed this year. I think the Lord has been watching out for me and He knows that at this point I need more free time. So here I am.

Rylee desperately wanted to take a Ballet class this year. After a year of Hip Hop and Jazz she was really missing the tutus. When my former boss found out that Rylee was taking Ballet she offered her some ballet tutus and leotards to have. She ended up giving her a lot more then I expected and now Rylee is set for a year of Ballet.
Rylee on her first day of Ballet

I read a hair blog and every so often I will try out some of their hairstyles, this day I tried what they call a ribbon loony braid. I thought it turned out cute and fun.

I think First grade is such a fun year. It is so exciting to see how fast these kids learn. Rylee has really gotten the hang of reading and like my other kids loves to read books. It is so fun to see her enjoying her new skill.
There was a day on September that was deemed "Pirate Day" and if you dressed up like a Pirate you could get a dozen free Doughnuts from Krispy Kreme. I took the kids after we ate dinner, Kefford was still working and couldn't go with us even though it was his idea. So I took the kids by myself and when we drove by I was a little daunted by the size of the line. It wrapped around the building. No worries, I dropped off three and taking Avynlea went to the store to get the ones who didn't have it, Pirate gear. We took our time with the shopping and an hour later headed back to Krispy Kreme. They had moved up in line but we still had to wait another hour before we made it in. The wait was not too bad, the kids had fun, and we got free doughnuts, not a bad time. 

Another one of Rylees dance outfits.

And here is Avynlea who decided to be awesome for dance today!
My friend and neighbor had surgery and so I helped her with her recovery by taking her on walks the week after her surgery. On this day I let Avynlea and Rylee come with us and Avynlea got a hold of my phone to take a picture. I soon regretted taking the two girls with us when shortly after we started off Rylee started complaining about being tired and bored and wanting to go home. 

Kefford took this picture of Madison at Kylie's wedding dinner because he thought she was too cute.
And here we have our little monkey Rylee hanging from the tree.