Saturday, November 2, 2013

Another California Trip!

About half a year ago I got a text from my awesome sister Heather asking if I would be able to come down to California the weekend of Oct 4th. I wasn't sure what was going on and so I responded that I am not sure and what's up. She quick texted back that she just bought two tickets to see Kelly Clarkson and Maroon 5, I responded right away with a Heck yeah I will be there! So the first week of Oct saw me flying back down to California. I was really excited to be able to go for a week and to have a low key week with my family also to go to the concert. 

While I was there I got to go do Yoga and Pilates with Heather. I had fun doing it, it was hard but really rewarding at the end. Mom also does yoga and Pilates but her classes are different times so I never got to be in a class with her. But one night after we were all day and hanging out at home I noticed that Mom and I were wearing the same workout pants! Of course I had to take a picture and I think we both make the pants look good!
On Friday Heather and I went to the concert. We went out to eat beforehand at Johnny Rockets and walked around an outdoor mall a little while while we waited for time to get closer to needing to be there. 
When we got there we got some pictures in front of the sign and then we both wanted to get a t-shirt. I said they had to be the same shirt and luckily we both liked the same one! 

Kelly Clarkson came out first and her songs were so fun. Heather and I were up and dancing and singing the entire time. Kelly is a really cute performer and I appreciate that her music is clean. She talked about the fact that she is getting married soon and introduced a new song that her friends wrote for her called "Tie it Up". It was really catchy and fun and so I bought it on tunes when we got home.

Kellys set lasted about an hour and then when she was done we waited about a half hour for them to rearrange the stage and then Maroon 5 came out. Once again Heather and I were up and dancing and singing the entire time. It was so much fun! Adam Levine has a little bit more of swearing in his songs and while he was talking which is not fun but luckily it wasn't a ton. I thought the concert was great and exciting and am so glad Heather bought the tickets and took me! She is really the best ever!

After it was all over we followed the crowd out to the parking lot and proceeded to sit in the car for almost an hour not moving. This was the worst display of an organized parking lot that I have ever seen. There was no organization whatsoever. It was a madhouse. Finally we were able to escape and get home around 2? 

Ashleigh decided that she wanted to learn how to teach Yoga and so I got a picture of her on her first day of Yoga School. I am excited for her in following her passion!

I was in California the weekend of General Conference and on Saturday night during the Priesthood session us Ladies went out to dinner. Another really fun night was had by all. Mary Beth who is a really good friend to our family came along.
Mary Beth, Ashleigh and Heather
Elizabeth, Erin and Mom
Here are Heather and I in our Matching Maroon 5 shirts. So cute!
I got to spend time with my cute and sassy niece Jaylynn. She always is good to make me laugh with her spunk.
On Monday I was at my Moms house alone because everyone had to go to work and so I took the time alone to make some Halloween pillowcases for my kids. I figured it would be fun to them to use every year during the month of October. I plan also on making Christmas ones.

I am so glad that I had this time to be with my family but it was also nice to head home because I missed my Husband and Kids. 
Thanks again Heather for making this fun trip happen!