Sunday, November 3, 2013

Mouth Guard

Our little thumb sucker has been losing lots of teeth and while we are waiting for the big, mighty, adult teeth to grow in we are all a lot concerned about her thumb addiction. This was the point that we made the deal with Avynlea that if she stopped sucking her thumb she could have a Hamster. It worked great with her but Rylee is a different sad story. She just can't seem to let go of her thumb. Kefford decided to take her into work to have a mold taken of her mouth so that he could make her a mouth guard to wear. Despite the happy smiles in the first pictures it is the look on her face in the last picture that tells the true story. She was really scared about getting a mouth guard. She thought it would hurt, she thought it would make her talk funny and all the kids would make fun of her, she really did not want to go through with all of this. But we forced her into the chair, made her do it and then she was fine. Her mouth guard, made by Kefford, came a few days later. She wears it at night and has no problem keeping it in but I still catch her sucking her thumb sometimes during the day. I am just hoping that over time she will get more and more used to not doing it and the habit will soon be that she does not need the thumb in her mouth.