Saturday, November 16, 2013

Track Break

On the first day of Track Break I wanted to go to Costco and the mall and I planned on taking the kids with me but Ryker was not to keen on that idea. He wanted to go to the skate park to ride his new skateboard. I told him I would talk him to the park first but then he had to go with me. He was cool with that so off we went. 

I spent a little time trying to get Ryker to go down this small half pike. He went down it on Saturday after a lot of coaxing from his Dad but could not seem to do it again. He was too afraid of hurting his arm which he claims he hurt on Saturday. Someday he will get over his fear.

While at the Mall I had the girls showing me things they liked and when they were distracted I would buy it for them for Christmas. We had lots of fun and they were really good walking around with me looking at things. Here they are being cute store Mannequins.