Thursday, October 12, 2017

A New Calling

I have been teaching the 15/16 years olds in Sunday School for the past year. I was super hesitant and nervous when I first got the calling but have really grown to love the kids I teach. So it was mixed feelings when I was called into meet with Brother Blazek and told I was getting a new calling. I was really excited to be asked to be a Beehive Advisor, it has been a long time since I have served in the Young Womens, but sad to be released from my Sunday School calling. On my last Sunday I made the kids promise that they would still be my friends and I enjoy chatting with them when ever I see them.
I served a little while in that calling with my friend Chelsey Olson and she sent me a picture of one of our kids, Carson Ray. She was at an Agriculture expo at her kids school and saw him there. The picture really made me smile.
Wednesday nights for the next month will be spent in a warehouse in Boise wth all the youth in the Stake practicing for the Meridian Temple Youth Cultural Celebration Dance. Michelle Ray, 2nd counselor in the Young Womens, couldn't be at the practice on Wednesday and asked me to take a few pictures of some girls she still needed pictures of for a slideshow she was putting together. She needed one of the Young Womens first counselor Emily Young and so I took a selfie with her so it wouldn't look awkward with her by herself.
I also got a picture with these cute girls who rode over with me in my car. I have been working on learning names and girls and was happy to have gotten to know these cuties on the drive to and from the dance practice.
Olivia Newman, Alivia Munson, Maddie Hughes, Ashleigh Snow, Katie Myers, Kaitlyn Lindley and Avynlea Peterson

I did my eye shadow a little darker this day and thought it might have been looking a little too dark. I took some selfies in the sunlight to see and I can't even tell I am wearing eye shadow. It is weird how make-up just kind of fades away when I put it on.