Saturday, October 28, 2017

A Litle Bit of Color

Avynlea has been wanting me to let her add some color to her hair for a long time. The last time I had my hair done she begged and begged me to let her have some of the blue in her hair also and I told her no. A couple of weeks later my hairdresser sent me a text telling me she got some color as samples and she would put it on my girls hair if I wanted. I told her I would think about it and after much thinking I decided to let them do it. It is a temporary stain that is said to wash out in about ten washings so it should be fine on my girls hair. Plus since they have light hair we do not need to add any bleach which was a concern of mine and something I am completely against having done to their hair. 

Jessica came over and after she put color in my hair I called Rylee down and told her she could have some color put in her hair. She was super excited and had the choice between purple and pink and she chose purple. Jessica free handed the color onto the tips and I love that she didn't do a solid line all the way across. 

Avynlea was upstairs with some friends she had stay the night and after Rylee had the color put on her hair we told her to very carefully go upstairs and show Avynlea. I knew that as soon as Avy saw Rylees hair she would be running downstairs to ask about getting hers done. This was her idea after all. I timed her and as soon as Rylee walked upstairs it took Avy 10 seconds to come thundering down the stairs asking about her hair. She was even more excited then Rylee about getting her hair colored and was happy to have pink although she did ask for blue at first.

I love how the color turned out and I love how excited and happy it made my girls. They look so cute and because the color was put on the tips if for some reason it doesn't come out we can always cut it out. I don't anticipate that being a problem though.