Saturday, April 1, 2017

Spring Break in Utah 1

After we got back from McCall we had one night at home to unpack and then repack so Kenedy, Avynlea, Rylee and I could leave for Utah. My Mom told me that Andrew was flying her to Utah for a week so that she could visit and meet his girlfriend. When I found out about that I checked my calendar, saw I didn't have anything pressing and decided to go to Utah so I could see some of my family. We left on Thursday and will drive home on Tuesday. The girls will be missing two days of school and I am trying not to feel anxiety over that, I just keep telling myself that they are awesome students and it will be ok. If I don't think about it I am fine. 
We got to Orem in time to go to Emily's school to spend a few hours in her classroom before the bell rang to go home. Emily sent a message that morning telling us how excited her kids were that "The Cheerleader" was coming to their classroom. She had shown them pictures and video that she had taken when she was here last October of Kenedy cheering and the kids had remembered and were so thrilled that "The Cheerleader" was coming to their classroom.
When we got to her room her class was at recess but when they came in they were pretty excited and I could here some of them saying that "The Cheerleaders" were here. Funny kids lumped us all together and made us all cheerleaders! Emily had a class she had to go to after school and so we took Ben and went to her house in American Fork. Emily really wanted to be with me when I saw her new house so I was told i could not take any tours without her, oh boy. I was a good sister and stayed on the main level and did not venture upstairs without her. Isabelle was at home when we got their and Andrew came to hang out with his girlfriend Maddie after he got off work. Emily came home about 7:30 when I was finally allowed to go see her upstairs with her. 
The youth in Emily's ward were going to the Temple and Avynlea and Kenedy brought their recommends so they could go also. When they got back Kenedy said that they were told if they brought family names they could only do those and no extra even if it were only one. So when one of the leaders asked the girls if one of them could do a name he brought none of the girls were volunteering. Kenedy finally said she would do it and was pleased when they did let her do more names then that. Kenedy told me when she went into the font and was doing the girls name the leader asked her to do that she felt the girl was there and that she was really happy about being baptized. I love that Kenedy had that experience and that she was in tune enough to be able to receive it. They went to the Mt Timpanogas Temple and I told them to get a picture of them outside the Temple. Avynlea was amazed with how huge the Temple was and really enjoyed being able to go. 
The next morning I got up a 6 to go to the gym with Emily and Isabelle. It was an arms day for them and I did the workout with them and my arms were hurting for the rest of the day. It was nice to go and workout with my sister and my niece. When we got back home we had to hurry and get ready to leave for her classroom. Isabelle got dropped off at the middle school by her Dad, Kenedy wasn't feeling well and stayed home to rest for a little longer and the rest of us went to school with Emily. While the class was doing busy work Emily had Avy and Rylee pull a few aside to read with them. It was cute watching them be the "big kids" and Avy and Rylee loved being helpers. We also spent some time cutting out flashcards Emily had laminated. The girls kept asking Emily for busy work to do and though it was a little bit of a struggle she was able to find some things she needed done and they loved it. 

 At about 10:00 Andrew came by to pick me up so that I could go to the airport with him to get my Mom. Mom just had surgery on her Kidneys and was not allowed to lift heavy things so I went inside to meet her and get her suitcase for her while Andrew waited in the "park and wait". Once we picked up Mom we stopped at In & Out to get some food and then picked up Kenedy to take her to the school with us. The kids were working on a STEM project and Emily really needed us to help the kids and help with the chaos. Mom wasn't feeling good and Andrew took her back to the house, I was really tired and wanted to leave with them but I saw the look on Emily's face and knew she really needed my help so I stayed. The kids were to choose an animal and pick a part of its body to draw life-size, they then needed to tear smaller pieces of paper and fill in the animal by gluing them on.  One of the boys drew a really impressive crocodile and was not going to have enough time to get all the tearing and gluing done so I went over to help him. After a while other kids got finished with their much smaller projects and came over to help as well. When I started helping I asked him how he wanted me to do it and what his vision was. He was very clear that he wanted the top part to be green and the bottom part of the mouth to be brown. I said ok and got to work. He was such a cute kid and was so appreciative of all the help he was getting. He kept telling me what a good job I was doing and also told me that I was a very good listener, he kept saying that to me and one of the girls turned to me and said she agreed that I was a good listener and that my teacher must tell me all the time what a good listener I was. These little first graders were so cute! Kenedy came over to help and by this time it was about done so I stepped back and let them finish, I also wanted to take a couple of pictures.
Helping in the classroom with this project was fun and exhausting, I was so tired from not sleeping well the night before and getting up early that as soon as the kids left for the day I put my head down and fell asleep for about 10 minutes. I was so glad when her day was done so we could go home and relax.