Thursday, April 20, 2017

New Baby and a Daddy Daughter Date

For family home evening last week Avy wanted to make rock candy but it was really last minute and I was not in the mood for her to do it so I told her to save it till the next Monday. I forgot all about it but not Avynlea because this week for Family Home Evening she reminded me that I told her we could do it. I wanted to tell her no again but since I am the nicest Mom I let her do it. The kids each got a cup filled with sugar and they added a color and a flavor to it along with the water. After boiling the sugar water mixture it on the stove to melt all of the sugar they added it back to the cup and then put the sticks in. Avynlea figured out with yarn how to tie them all together so that the sticks stood up in the sugar water. I now have 4 cups of sugar water on my counter crystalizing and hopefully turning into some delicious rock candy.
Tuesday I got a call at 2 in the morning from Mikell telling me she was in labor and asking if I would come over to be with her kids so Alison could take her to the hospital. I grabbed a blanket and a book and head over. After they left I read a little bit and then slept a little bit on the couch while her kids slept. They all woke up around 7:30 and I was able to help them get ready and play with them a little bit until Mikell's Mother-in-law came over to relieve me. I was fine staying their but I think her MIL needed to feel needed so I was happy to let her take over. 
Baby boy Andros was born about 9 AM and after lunch I headed over to the hospital to see my newest nephew. He is so cute and it was fun to sit and hold him for a bit while I chatted with Mikell. Steve was out of town on a business trip and was heading back that day so I think Mikell appreciated the company. After a little bit Michelle came in with Caleb and Whitney came with her three girls. It was a bit chaotic but fun to be able to visit with everyone. 
When Heather was in town Rylee found out about a 50"s themed daddy/daughter date that she got to go on with her Dad in April for Activity days. She was so excited about it and asked if I would make her a poodle skirt to wear. I was excited to make a poodle skirt and we went to the fabric store the next day, got the supplies and then I made it when we got home. It looked so cute and Rylee was loving wearing it around the house. 
This last Tuesday night was the Daddy/Daughter date and Rylee was thrilled to be able to wear her skirt and get all dressed up for this date with her Dad. I got a really bad migraine that afternoon and was laying low in bed but managed to crawl out right before they left so that I could take a couple of pictures. Kefford didn't know what he should wear and so I told him to wear his plaid shirt which I thought was a good 50's style. He said he tucked it in when he got there which he thought made him more 50's preppy. 
I went back to bed and fell asleep as soon as they left but the next day Rylee told me all about the fun they had hula hooping and dancing. She said Kefford taught her some dance moves that he said I taught him when we were in college. So much fun and I am a little bit envious of her cute poodle skirt!

Rylee's Activity Days Leaders posted a ton of pictures on our Ward's Relief Society Facebook page from the date. 
 Rylee and Kefford
Reagan and Rylee

Twirling down the runway

 Hula Hoop Contest. Rylee was waiting for her turn to participate :)

Fun 50's dancing. You can see Kefford in his blue plaid shirt in the back corner of the picture dancing with his favorite 10 year old!