Sunday, April 2, 2017

Spring Break in Utah 2

The weekend that we were in Utah was Conference weekend! During the first session I actually started my Little Mermaid cross stitch that I have had for a good many years that I have always been too intimidated by to start, I decided now was the time and I did it! Rylee and Avynlea also worked on their little cross stitches and then helped Emily cut laminated cards out for her class. 
After the first session was over Mom, Emily and I went to The Wood Connection to pick out some wood crafts to work on during the second session. Emily got some really cute Bunnies and I found a mermaid and seahorse decor to paint and put in my house. While we were there I won a small wood project and then was given another small wood project for shopping I think. Avynlea really wanted to help so I let her paint my mermaid and seahorse while I worked on painting the boards they go on. When Rylee saw what was going on she wanted to paint as well so I gave her one of the small free projects I got and let her paint that. 

I had a lot of fun crafting with Emily and my girls and loved being able to listen to conference while we did it. 
Later that evening while the boys went to the Priesthood session us older girls decided we needed to have a girls night and go get cupcakes. I decided that at 17 Kenedy was now old enough to participate in our girls night and it was fun having her come along. Andrews girlfriend Maddie was also able to come along with Mom, Emily and I. We went to a cupcake shop that was featured on Cupcake Wars with the owner having competed on and won.  I have been to quite a few cupcake shops in my day and I really like this one the best. I thought the cupcakes were a good price and they tasted so good, I got a peanut butter chocolate one and also a homemade Oreo that was huge! It is probably a good thing this cupcake place is not local to me, I would be there all the time!
When Kefford learned that us girls were going to be in Utah for conference weekend he was able to find 6 tickets for us to go to the Sunday session. We had Emily and Isabelle come along for our girls trip to Conference. We wanted Mom to come also and would have tried to get a standby ticket but she was still recovering from her kidney surgery and was not feeling good enough to go. 
We drove to Salt Lake City and then took the Trax to get to the Conference Center. It was easier to do it this way rather then trying to fight the crowds and find parking over by the Temple. It was not the best of days to be outside waiting for our ride or standing in line waiting to get in because t was so cold and rainy. Emily and I were the only smart ones to wear jackets, even with my jacket I was pretty cold so I did feel bad for the kids who did not bring warmer outer clothing. 

Everyone was getting really wet while we were waiting in line to get into the Conference Center. All of the flat ironing I did to Kenedy and Rylee's hair was wasted standing out in the rain. A really nice guy standing behind us felt bad for my freezing and wet girls and he took off his Jacket and gave it to Avy and Rylee to share. They kept a god hold onto it until we got inside and then gave it back to him with a big thank you.
Avynlea thought it would be cool to get a picture with all of us holding our tickets.
We saw pictures on the wall of the first presidency and the 12 apostles so some of us took pictures with our favorites.
Kenedy and I love Elder Holland, his words always just speak to my soul and his talk at this conference did not disappoint. 
Avynlea loves Elder Uctdorf 
and Isabelle loves Elder Bednar. 

Rylee was laying on my lap for a little bit of the meeting and i put a braid in it while she was down there. She wanted to see it so I took a picture for her to look at.
I was really bummed that President Monson was not feeling well enough to be at this session but I loved being there with his counselors and apostles. It was a really great meeting and I am glad that Kefford got us tickets so we could experience being there. 
Kefford got a little bored between sessions and sent me a picture that he photoshopped. It is Loki from the Thor movies with Kefford face, he is a funny guy!
On Monday Andrew called to let us know that we could come and tour where he works if we wanted to. He works at a fertility center and we all were excited to go and check it out. I couldn't take many pictures because of confidentiality and privacy stuff for their clients but we were able to get a group one of all of us with our fun hairnets we had to wear.