Friday, April 21, 2017

Swat Training

On Wednesday for his mutual activity Ryker got to do a little bit of Swat team training. We have a guy in our Ward who trains Police in this for his career and he was more then happy to come and show the boys a little bit of what being on the swat team entails. I thought Ryker was really lucky to get to do something like this. When I was in high school we had a a swat team member come and talk to us at a fireside one time and it really made me want to look into it as a career. I thought it sounded so cool. Obviously that career interest was very short lived and now while I am happy Ryker got to experience this I would never want him to pursue such a dangerous job. 
Kenedy was at the church also while this was going on and managed to snap some photos for me. She is so good!

Meanwhile I spent some bored time exploring more filters on snapchat. 

 And then Avynlea saw what I was up to and demanded that she join in. :)