Friday, July 31, 2015


Ryker and Ben really needed to get their hair cut before the wedding and despite them not wanting it to happen, Emily and I had to make it happen.
We found a super cuts and went in to make an appointment and then I saw the price. $17 for a boys cut? No, thank you. We left to try to find something else. I looked up a Fantastic Sams and called them to ask about prices. They told me $10 and we liked that deal a lot better. We headed over and took a before shot of our hairy beasts.
Ryker was definitely putting on a show for my camera.

After the cuts Rykers stylist rang him up and after asking me how old he was charged me $18. What! Apparently since he is 12 he is considered an adult and charged adult prices. Totally not cool but what could I do, he was already cut and styled so I had to suck it up and pay. 

The after shot.
These boys look so much better and so handsome!