Saturday, July 25, 2015

Swim Lessons

I decided this year to only put Avynlea and Rylee in Swim lessons. Kenedy has been done for a couple of years and I feel that Ryker is good enough in the water that he can be done as well. The pool that we go to is in the backyard of the swim teachers house, Shannon Tuft. She is amazing and we love her and love coming to her for lessons. Plus her pool and backyard are awesome! She also lives down the road from Costco and Target and Hobby Lobby and a bunch of other stores. This year, not wanting to hang out in the heat for an hour watching my kids swim and being jealous of not being in the pool as well, I would drop them off and go hang out at a store instead. On the first day I got back for the last five minutes and when my girls saw me they excitedly called out that they practiced diving. Shannon said they could each dive one more time to show off their skills for their Moms. I was so happy watching them dive and seeing how much they have improved at this technique. All the swimming we have done this summer has really helped them improve. Swimming is the best!

My girls really wanted me to watch them swim and so I promised them I would stay and watch on their last day. That worked for them and on the last day I pulled up a chair in the shade and watched. I might have closed my eyes for a couple of minutes because I was pretty tired and sitting in the heat makes me even more tired but it was not for long and I saw all of the important stuff.

I watched them jump in and swim to the other side

I watched them float on their backs 
I also watched them backstroke to the other end of the pool
Another year of swim lessons is complete and these girls are becoming awesome little swimmers!