Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Because our friday night tumbling class was not going to be performing in the recital Courtney and I decided to have a last day tumbling party. We showed the girls youtube videos of gymnasts and cheerleaders using their tumbling skills and then we invited the parents in to watch the girls go through the skills they have been working on. Avynlea could not show off because of her broken arm but she was getting really good at doing a round off and was working on back walkovers. Rylee, throughout the year has been a bit of a no fear spaz, throwing herself into whatever stunt we wanted her to do. Usually she ending up on her backside. In front of our audience though Rylee really did her best and landed every stunt she did. I have never seen her do so well. I think she always needs an audience. :)

After all of the girls had shown off what they have been learning Avynlea asked if she could show her somersault. She cradled her cast and did it! I was so proud!

The girls of our tumbling class. Rylee, Avynlea, Brooke and
Kenedy was taking this class also but had to drop out due to starting up track. All of her meets were on Friday. But she was getting really good at doing a handstand into a forward roll. Hopefully she will keep practicing and continue to get better at her tumbling, I know she wants to and I know she really likes doing it.

After they were done showing off we got to eat some treats and then awards were given. Rylee was given an award for longest plank. In our warm-ups one of the things we had them do was a plank to develop some strength. The girls always wanted to do a contest to see who could hold it the longest and that person ended up being Rylee! It came down to Norah and Rylee and Rylee prevailed, she lasted for at least ten minutes, it was amazing what this girl can do when she puts her mind to it. Avynlea got the award for having the best round-off. It is a shame that she broke her arm and could not show off how good she is. Avynlea really worked hard all year and was improving so much in her skills. I am so impressed with how much she can do and her determination to get even better and learn more. Once that cast comes off she will continue to get better that I know!