Sunday, December 22, 2013

Rylee and her Secret Santa Party

Rylees teacher sent home a paper a couple of weeks ago explaining about doing Secret Santas. Everyone in the class was given a piece of paper with another classmates name on it along with information about their likes. Rylee had a cute girl named Marianna who liked Pizza, horses, Reeses and some other things. The idea was to make a gift getting ideas from the paper to give to them. I thought that was a fun and unique idea and so Rylee and I started looking on Pinterest for ideas. After a while we found ideas to do a hobby horse or a felt pizza. Rylee loved the felt pizza idea and so we went with it. I bought felt from the store and drew out a design which Rylee then cut out. We pieced it together and then with Rylee helping I sewed it together on the machine. My machine was being a bit stubborn and so the sewing did not look as great as I had hoped but the pizza still looked really cute. I bought a package of Christmas Tree Reeses to put in the package and Rylee wrapped it up and included a nice card to her classmate. 

I happened to be in the classroom when they opened their gift because I volunteer every Friday and they did it while I was in there. I was happy to be able to see all the fun things the kids made for each other. Rylee was so cute opening her gift and really liked it.

Her classmate decorated a tin can with cute paper and stickers for Rylee to hold things in. It was a cute gift. I watched as Marianna opened her gift and was happy to see her happy with it. I thought it was sweet of her to come over to Rylee to tell her thank you.

After they opened their presents Miss Hixon handed everyone a thank you card and had them write a thank you note to each other. I loves the entire idea of making something for another and the time and thought that went into it and then the showing of gratitude by writing the notes. I love her teacher! What a perfect idea!

Later at the dance studio I snapped this picture of Rylee with Kenedys DVD player and a bag of chips Kenedy had brought along. She looks perfectly content and I think it is cute. :)