Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Week of Christmas Music Programs

The week before Christmas was an ultra busy one! We had music programs galore to attend and somehow we managed to fit it all in. First up was Kenedy in her Choirs Christmas concert.
Then Avynlea had her Third grade music program. 

Next up was Rykers Bell Choir Concert.

Then finally we had Rylees first grade concert.

All of the kids did a fantastic job and looked so cute. Kenedy did her piano solo in between singing and performed so good! I usually go to the kids programs at least an hour early because it fills up fast and early but I had dance that day and did not get there until 15 minutes before it was to start. All of the chairs were filled and the side and back were lined with standing parents. I managed to squeeze in on the side and when the second grade kids were done with their performance I snagged two chairs that a friend had been using in the front row! So happy! Alison was able to come to all of the programs and I am so grateful for her for making the hour drive every day to support my kids! Ryker had to be at his concert an hour early and I had to pick up Kenedy from the Middle School at the same time. So I dropped Ryker off along with Rylee and Avynlea so they could save seats and I went and picked up Kenedy. When we got back to the school we had front row seats and Alison was there with the girls! Finally, I volunteer at the schools on Friday and the Kindergarten and First Graders were performing at two times, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Alison wanted to go to the later one which was  fine with me since I was volunteering. After I was done I went into the gym where the seats were still set up from the first performance waiting for the second and I placed my coat to save a couple of chairs. I went on home, ate lunch and got some things done and then went back for the performance to find my seats still being saved. :) I went an hour before because I didn't want to be the jerk who waited till the last minute.