Thursday, February 26, 2009

some randomness

It was looking like a nice day on Monday so I thought it would be good to get us all out of the house and walk to the school to get Kenedy today. My kids like doing this and especially little Rylee loves getting into her stroller for a ride. Isn't she cute...
So after getting everyone ready we start walking only to discover it is very windy and that wind is making it even colder. I debated whether to turn back but thought we could tough it out and walked a little bit further only to discover that we are wimps and had to get out of the windy cold! Everyone was on board with this decision except for Rylee. And why should she have been? She was bundled up in her stroller covered with a blanket having a grand time. As soon as I took her out the fit came. She screamed and fought me the entire process of getting her out of her stroller and into her car seat but I did it and hopefully warmer weather comes soon so that we can walk.
Avynlea and Rylee are showing me they finished their milk. Avynleas Dr told her how important it is to drink a lot of milk and since then Avy has been good about drinking hers all gone. Most often I flavor it with chocolate or caramel and they love that! Ryker and Avynlea were playing in the backyard yesterday and decided to make lots of mud which they then tracked into the house. So I swept up what I could and then had the kids wash the floor. They all loved doing that but eventually I had to pull, make more mess Avynlea and Rylee away and talk them into helping me vacuum.
Avynlea just sat on the couch and watched but Rylee was very dedicated to walking around with me holding onto the vacuum and helping me. It was tedious and harder with her in the way but I know she was enjoying it so I let her keep at it. Finally when we were done I just let her hold it by herself and give it a go.