Saturday, February 28, 2009

messy, messy

While I was in the bathroom drying my hair Rylee found the inkpad in my bedroom that I kept forgetting to put away.
Isn't she lovely?
I wish I could say that it has been put away so that this can't happen again, but it has been two days and the inkpad is still sitting on my bathroom counter. But she wouldn't get into it again, right?!
I still love my messy girl!
I was making pizza for dinner and of course Rylee and Avynlea were right there helping me! This is what they did with the dough I gave them!
Avynlea said Rylee looked like Santa Claus!
She really loved this piece of dough and could not put it down! I eventually cooked it for her but then had to throw it away when it was left on her plate! Smart girl, I wouldn't have eaten that mishandled thing either!