Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The "Bonkbeds" are Here

Last Friday the kids had the day off from school so I took the opportunity to make them really clean out their bedrooms. Boy were they ticked off but we got it done and they look so much nicer! So anyway Ryker wanted me to change his bed around and I didn't see a problem with that so I did. Once I moved it I decided to just go ahead and move Avynlea's bed over into the girls room since we were making the change soon anyway once we got the new "bonkbeds" (Avynlea's term). This is how the bedroom looked for about a week.
They all loved it, Kenedy commented that it felt like a sleepover every night. Yes it was hard to get them settled down at night but I figured they just needed time to get used to the arrangement and I did not let it bother me. So on Monday the new bunk bed arrived and Kefford, Ryker and I took about an hour and a half and got them all set up.
Here they are! Kenedy got her quilt for her birthday and I went to Bed Bath and Beyond to get chocolate colored sheets for their beds. Avynlea wanted pink but I could not find a pink that I liked and the brown goes really well with the quilts and the curtains that I will be making some time in the near future. The curtains will be the same brown that is in the quilt.
The girls love them and love sleeping in them. Ryker has been having a hard time because he really wants a bunk bed but has to wait "nine whole months" before he can get one for his birthday. Who knows maybe Kefford will cave and get him one sooner, he tends to do that!