Wednesday, May 26, 2021


On Wednesday May 26th Avynlea got to play in the end of school year Powderpuff game. She did a great job and I love this shot that was taken of her during the game right after she took the flag off the girl with the ball. Avynlea hustled and played hard and the Sophomores ended up beating the Freshman in overtime with a score of 6-0. Apparently this was the first time an overtime was played in the history of MHS Powderpuff games. Luckily the Sophomores managed to step it up and score in the overtime so they could have the win.

The Fab Five
Paige and Natalie didn't play the powderpuff game so it was just Dreya, Avynlea and Hailey but they came and watched and supported their cheer besties.
They also made signs to hold up for the girls