Saturday, May 29, 2021

Orchestra Concerts

Rylee had a couple of orchestra concerts happen within a couple days of each other. The first one was at her school on Thursday May 27th and her teacher said they were going to livestream it so I let my family know so they could watch.
It was held outside for more covid precautions, it was hot but not too bad, luckily the concert didn't last too long. First to perform were the 6th graders and then the 7th and 8th graders performed their three songs. Unfortunately the computer timed out right after Rylee's first song and so Heather, Ashleigh and Mom were not able to watch the entire thing. Bummer. Rylee did a great job and I am impressed with how much she has improved the violin.

Kefford met us there after he got off work and he was able to see her perform a couple of her songs.  He left after we took a picture with Rylee and then I had her stand in front of the brick wall so I could get a couple shots of just her. She felt awkward and did not want a picture but the kid was nice and let me take a couple of shots.

On Saturday May 29 Rylee had one more orchestra concert with the trio she has been practicing with. Their music teacher joined up with some other teachers and did a concert in the park. I did not know much about it at all and assumed that when we got there Rylee would perform and we would go home. Nope we sat and waited in the heat for two hours listening to kids perform on the piano, with guitars, with just signing, it was a lot and really boring. Finally Rylee and her group performed their one song and we could go home. I was hoping to be able to livestream it for my family but that didn't work out because we had to wait so long for her performance so I recorded her and then sent it to my family. Rylee did a great job, no surprise there, she is pretty amazing and even said because of the glare from the sun she couldn't see her music and was still able to perform. Their teacher Tamilla also played with their trio and I am sure having her join in helped them keep on track.
A group picture was taken of Tamilla with all of her music students. The two girls on either side of Rylee are part of her trio and Tamilla, her teacher, is three girls to the right of Rylee.