Saturday, December 7, 2019

Home Depot Craft

Rylee and Avynlea wanted to do the Home Depot craft for the month of December which was a countdown to Christmas Calendar. I told them I would take them after Avynlea was done with tumbling but it meant Rylee had to go with us to the gym because I was not going to go all the way home just to pick her up. She agreed but when it came time to wake her up in the morning to go she just wanted to stay in bed and said she didn't want to go. I knew she would regret her decision so I made her get up and go with us despite her protests. Honestly it wasn't that hard to get her to go.
She sat and listened to all the "juicy gossip" between us cheer moms while Avynlea was tumbling and only asked how much longer about 5 million times. 
OK it was actually only about 3-5 times, to give her credit she was pretty patient for most of the hour.
After tumbling we headed out, Hailey came along with us, Avynlea told her about it and she wanted to make the craft also.

The girls all had a good time. Rylee got done with hers pretty quick because she didn't want to paint, she liked the look of the wood. Avynlea didn't like the tree sticker that came with it so she painted her own and Hailey made a unique Christmas Countdown with her choice of colors. They all turned out great and the girls really enjoyed creating a fun Decoration for their rooms.

After we dropped Hailey off we went to the Dollar store so Rylee could do her Christmas shopping. Carrie, Haileys Mom, told me about a fun white elephant gift they like to use and since I was going to need one that night I used her idea and bought a toilet plunger. When I got home I spent a couple of hours hot glueing gems onto the handle of the plunger and when I was done I had a pretty fancy toilet plunger.
We ended up not going to the party and so now I have a white elephant gift ready to go for when we need it. We decided not to go for many reasons. Last year it was fun but it got pretty irreverent and awkward. Also we are supposed to take a good gift and a bad gift and they all get thrown into the pot and you could end up with two bad gifts, one good one bad or both good. Last year we got a good and a bad but the entire game stressed me out and wasn't a lot of fun. I don't like the idea of spending money on a good gift and maybe ending up with all bad. It just isn't that fun to me. So Kefford and I  opted out and stayed home with Subway and to watch a movie.