Sunday, May 20, 2018

Seminary Graduation

Seminary Graduation was the week before Graduation which was nice. Because in February our subdivision was put in a new Ward and Stake Kenedy had her Seminary Graduation with our new Stake, Meridian West. At first Kenedy was really sad about that and wanted to Graduate with our old stake. When I told her I could make arrangements so that she could do it with the Linder Stake she decided to stick with our new, she has a lot of friends in this Stake and it worked out well. 

The Graduates walked in to the Chapel according to Ward and sat in the front of the Chapel. They had some really great speakers, one of them being McKoy Bartlett, Kenedy's best friend. He is a really good speaker and so composed and has a maturity about him. As I was listening to him speak I felt like I was listening to a Bishop or Stake President and even sent Kenedy a text saying "Future Bishop right there". Kelsey, another of Kenedy's friends spoke and she did amazing! She is a convert of about a year and a half and after she was Baptized decided to take Seminary while making up the years she missed. She completed four years of Seminary in a year and that is impressive. Her talk was about 15 minutes long and it was completely memorized. I couldn't believe how well she did without any notes, seriously so amazing!

After the ceremony we went to the gym for pictures and ice cream cones. 
                     Ashlynn and Kenedy                                               Kenedy and Brother Sell (one of her                    seminary teachers)

Oak Creek Ward Graduates
Samuel Kropf, Kenedy and Shanae Ririe

Some seminary Graduation outtakes...