Wednesday, May 16, 2018

End of Year Choir Concerts

Both Kenedy and Avynlea had their end of year choir concerts the same week. First was Kenedy's, I knew her group was going last so since the concert started at 7 we didn't get there until about 7:45. When we walked in and found our seats I discovered that they were barely getting done with the first group and that we had a long wait ahead of us. This concert was the longest most painful concert of our lives. It was over 2 and a half hours long and a lot of the numbers did not sound very good. It was not fun at all. Once it was done we found Kenedy so that we could take a picture and then we high tailed it out of there not getting home until about 10:00. 
Ave and Rylee were impressed with Quinns guitar playing skills and wanted to have a picture of them with him while he was rocking out.

This was her Pops concert and they were told to dress in their favorite decade. Kenedy chose to wear her Dad's Lettermans jacket and so she went as the 90's.
Avynleas concert was the next night and her concert was another Pops concert with Avy's group singing music from "Hairspray". Avynlea found a 60's looking dress on Amazon she loved and asked if I would get her for her. It was a good price and a dress she swore she would wear again so I ordered her the extra Large because she was looking under children clothing. When the dress arrived I realized Avynlea did not find this dress under children's like we assumed because it was an XL in Womens. I had to send it back and ordered the same dress in a small. When the new one arrived it was a closer fit but I still had to take it in a little bit in the waist, neckline and sleeves. 
Before the concert I did Avynlea's hair in a fabulous 60's Beehive and she looked so cute in her dress with her hair done by me and her makeup done by Kenedy. Avy was unsure about how big the poof was in her hair but I assured her it was perfect and even showed her pictures of the hair from the movie "hairspray"
Avy did a great job singing and looked so cute up on stage. 
Her Grandma Alison came which was fun.
And we got a family picture at the end of the concert which was only an hour long.
When we got home Kenedy wanted to do a mini photo shoot with Avynlea in the front yard.