Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Injurys and life

On Sunday we had a special Stake Conference. It was a broadcast that was sent to all the Stakes in the region. I thought it was going to be broadcast from Salt Lake but the General Authority got permission to come to Idaho and broadcast form a Stake Center in Meridian. That was pretty cool. Kenedy took notes during the meeting and during the rest Hymn I noticed Rylee copying Kenedys notes onto her own paper. I thought that was so cute and I did something I never would normally do, I took a picture at church, during church. Just look at how cute that kid is, I could not resist!
Kenedy made "American Girl Doll" sleeping bags and is going to sell them at a local boutique here in Meridian. The last time she tried to make something and sell them they did not go over so well. It was 100% her fault in procrastinating making them. This time she planned in advance and has done a really nice job. I think they are so cute and would totally buy one for my girls if I saw them so I hope others feel the same. 
Last Wednesday Kenedy called me early from cheer practice and said she hurt her foot and needed to be picked up. She was doing a stunt and coming down she landed wrong on her foot and sprained it very minor. She has had it wrapped and has been on crutches over the weekend but is now walking on it. She just needs to get a brace and then hopefully will be good to go with cheering and stunting. Being the middle of competition season this was not the best time to have something happen, so luckily it was not a major injury. The night she came home with it hurt Ryker was super sweet and prepared her a dinner tray. He is such a compassionate soul and I love him for that.