Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I love Sunshine and other things

On Saturday Avynlea and Rylee went with me to our Stakes Humanitarian Fair. It is done every year and each Ward shows up with a project to help benefit some organization in the community. It is a lot of fun and last year Kenedy went with me but she had cheer. I thought Avy and Rylee would like to go and do something so they were my dates for this years Fair. 
One of the Wards had Super Hero capes to decorate and so the three of us each decorated one. 

I thought Avynlea's was really cute and creative with the word fly under the butterfly.

Rylee had a little trouble with hers but she did the best she could and it was darling. Some little girl is going to love that cape so much.
Mine was a little bit more basic. I just wrote "Super Kid" on it because the cape was blue and I figured it would be given to a boy and there were not a wide variety of boy decorations. I liked it.
After the capes the girls went and stuffed some teddy bears and then hung out with some friends. Most of the projects got done really fast. Our Ward did pillow cases for a group that gives Cancer Kids pillow cases to sleep on. We had a lot of donations and a lot of help and we managed to whip out 70 pillow cases! It was such a fun Fair and I always love going and being help people in our community.
After we were done we went out to the car to go home. I usually leave the keys in the car because the drivers door has a keypad to open the door with. I have never forgotten the code and it is a good system that works for me. While I was pinning together pillowcases I had Avynlea go to the car to grab something I forgot to bring in, not the keys :). I wrote down what I thought the code was and when she came back she said it did not work. Eek. From then on I could not come up with the right combo, I was so confused. So when we went out to the car I tried thinking of other things so that when we got to the code I could let my muscle memory kick in and type the right one out. but of course that did not work. I called Kefford who was out shooting with his cousin and he said he did not know it and I tried calling Kenedy who was at cheer but she did not pick up the phone. It was cold outside so walking home was not a good option. One of my older lady friends Husband was walking out of the church about then so we hitched a ride home with him. I found Ryker and he was able to tell me the correct code number which I immediately typed into my phone so this could not happen again.  Later after Kefford got home I had him drive me to the church to get our sad car. What a crazy event!
Kenedy Face Timed with Alyssa the other night and I found these pictures of the two of them on my phone. They took these so they could publish them on Instagram and write paragraphs on how much they loved each other and what great besties they are. You know typical teenage shenanigans. :) 

As I was waiting in the car to pick up a kid from Piano lessons I was really enjoying the sunshine. Oh how I love the sun! I snapped a couple of pictures to see how it would look with the sun on me. I was trying to be artsy and I like how they turned out.