Thursday, February 18, 2010

The story of your birth: Kenedy

(I have been trying to scan my photos into the computer but for some reason I can't get the scanner working. I want to post this anyway and after Kefford comes home will have him help me with the scanner so come back tomorrow for the cute pictures of my cutie baby!)
When I went back to look for pictures of my pregnancy with Kenedy and her first born pictures I discovered some things. First, I cannot find my preggo pictures. What happened to them? I am not too bummed about them missing because I think they are ugly pictures. It was back in the day when the tent style maternity shirts were still all the rage and I was not having good preggo days. I was huge and totally breaking out. So sorry Kenedy about not having them maybe someday I will find them. The second thing is how dark the pictures are. We had no money then and when I bought film for my camera I could only afford the cheapo low grade film. So things are looking really dark. Having stated my few disclaimers here is the story of the birth of my firstborn.

I was due February 20 and I was absolutely positive that I would be at least two weeks late. My Mom was that late with me and I knew that the first ones typically come later rather then sooner. What a surprise when on February 17 I started having contractions. Kefford and i were driving out to Nyssa that day because he had a Dr's appointment out there. I was having contractions on the drive out there and then periodically throughout the day. Alison kept watch over me timing the contractions and how far apart they were. Later that evening Kefford and I felt that maybe this was it and we should go to the hospital, they were slowly getting harder. But here was the problem, this was a Thursday night and at that time I was really into the TV show "ER". This was a particular episode that I did not want to miss because it was the second part of a cliffhanger and i had to see what happened to Dr. Carter and his girlfriend. So during the show and commercial breaks I had Kefford rubbing my back and helping me breathe.
Finally we were able to leave the apartment and get to the hospital. They checked me and told me that I was at a 3 and that I was not far enough to check in. So they had me walk around the hospital to try to open things up and even put me in the jacuzzi. I was told that I had to go up to a 4 before they would admit me. So after hours of walking and being in pain, I got checked again...still a 3 so they gave me some Tylenol, a sleeping pill and sent me home. I tried to go to bed but after a little while I couldn't take it anymore and went out into the front room so Kefford could sleep. I spent that entire night throwing up from the pain and most likely anxiety, trying to breathe through my contractions which were really hurting, crying, pacing the front room, and trying to lay down with no success..not a fun night at all. Finally at about 7:30 Kefford called the hospital and told them what was happening. They told him to go ahead and bring me in.
Oh that drive to the hospital was so painful, before we left Kefford put towels on the seat under me just in case my water broke while in the car so that nothing gross would get on his car. At the hospital I was checked in at a 7 and 80% effaced. I immediately requested an epidural and sighed with relief when it took. Then the waiting game began. The epidural basically took my contractions away and so they hooked me up to the Pitocin to get them going again. Finally at 4:00ish I was told that I could start pushing. I remember the nurse telling me that it could take up to half an hour to push the baby out and it wouldn't be long now before I had my baby. Guess how long I ended up pushing...two and a half hours!!! At one point my Dr came in to check on me and said that we might have to turn off my epidural because he didn't think I was pushing right. No Way! I knew I was pushing right and I was not about to let them turn off my pain relief. Finally the head was in a good position and Dr. Werdel came in to deliver my baby.
After some examinations he decided that I needed an episiotomy and once he made that cut my baby girl came out with no problem. Hmmm couldn't we have done that cut two hours ago?! Kenedy came out with dark hair and as Dr. Werdel hefted her up he expressed lots of surprise about how big she was. I feel like this first delivery was a little traumatic, I wish they would have let me stay at the hospital the night before since I did most of my laboring at home with no relief. plus all of that pushing was not fun, the silver lining? I did not have any negative effects from all that pushing, never got any hemorrhoids, I was sore but a normal labor and delivery sore, so that was nice. I was really excited to finally be a Mom and this first girl of mine was absolutely beautiful!

Kenedy Alyse Peterson
February 18 2000 6:35 pm
9 pounds 2 ounces 22 inches long