Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Some of my Favorite things!

One of my, beginning to be favorite :0), cousins, Kelsey tagged me in a post and since I am trying to be one of her favorites I am choosing to do it! :0) It's actually kinda fun I have a list of different things I am supposed to take pictures of around my house that are favorites and then some random ones. So no judging on the state of things in my house, just sit back and remember I have kids and am not perfect. :0)
Favorite room:
a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhl0tuA7uozo7F0n8t4LsFI-rn18PFXFz1KJZBHTpQo47lnpgyKiR5SMcnLooGmlhBO6v1vPZzVvz0mN0LeayUFB5mZmOdlELjNs5pbj63jHQFcCCYNtL3f5ImF4ySFpNpqwYDGDokPSEXA/s1600-h/100_3255.JPG">
This is my living room, I love this room because of so many reasons. I love my greenish couches and I like what I did on my wall with my kids pictures. My Aunt Tami, Kelseys Mother-in-law, made me that canvas wall hanging and I totally love it

I love this wall in my living room because it is so tall and I like what I did with the top.

This area in my living room makes me happy because for sooo long that space was empty. A couple of weeks ago I was cleaning in the computer room and I was trying to figure out what to do with the spare chairs. I decided they would look great in the front room so that's where I put them. I love how it brings the room together and makes it feel more homey!
Favorite Bathroom:
This is my favorite bathroom by default. it is my bathroom and it is the only one with paint on the walls. I do love my rug, curtain and towels. I saved up my money so I could splurge a little and I got those at Bed, Bath and beyond. I just need to keep saving so I could do the other bathrooms.:o)

This is my bathroom sink. I hate cleaning bathrooms and it is always disorganized on top of the vanity. That little clear make-up box belongs to Avynlea, she got it for her birthday from her Grandma Bonnie filled with make-up. Every morning after she gets dressed she comes into my bathroom to do her "make-up", she cracks me up!
Favorite Shoes:

I couldn't decide between these two. The sparkly pair i got from a ward swap and I almost passed them up because they were half a size too small. But I was talked into it and am so glad I was, they now fit great and I love wearing them to dress up an outfit. The brown pair I saw when I was at Target with my sister in Utah. We were trying on shoes and I found these the last pair in out size. We both liked them and I told her she could take them because I was trying to be smart with my cash and I felt bad for her cause the boots she liked were not fitting good. Well I regretted giving those shoes up for a long time after I, I even hunted for them at other Targets because I wanted them so bad but with no luck. So I cut my losses and tried to forget about them. About a year ago I was in Utah visiting my sister and needed to borrow a pair of shoes and she led me to these. She then told me I could have them because she never wore them..YES! I wear them ALL the time and LOVE them!

Here I am in all my make-up less hair not done glory! Love me!
Laundry Room:

I had Avynlea take this picture which would explain why it is so blurry.
Inside my Fridge:

What can I say...it's a fridge!
My kitchen Sink:

It is clean it just has the lunch dishes and my cookie dough bowl sitting in it. Not too shabby! Glad this challenge didn't come on a different day cause this has huge potential to be scary!
What my kids are doing right now:

We just got back from dance class so they are still in dance clothes, eating suckers while watching "Stuart Little"
My closet:

Oh how I dream of the huge closet I will someday have, in the meantime I have to squeeze clothes in and periodically weed out the ones that I don't wear all the time so I can have more hangers. See the big white box in the back? That is my wedding dress, normally it is against the wall behind my shoe shelf but lately I have been OBSESSED with "say Yes to the Dress" on TLC and it makes me want to put my dress on. The closest I have come is pulling the box out to look at it. I am still scared to cut open the tape to try it on..I don't know why..just am.

OK so there you have a sneak peek into my household. I choose to tag Erin, Emily, Candice, Brit, Karli, Lana, Amberly and Joshua.