Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The story of your birth: Avynlea

This year is going to be the year of remembering..hopefully. I am not and have not been good about writing in journals and so I am trying to capture and write down about important events before i completely forget them. So today on Avynleas birthday, I write about her birth.
We had scheduled to be induced on February 2 2005. My previous babies have both been rather large at birth and in an effort to keep the birth weight from being too humongous I chose to take her out early. I think her due date was Feb. 8 or 10, how rotten am I that i cannot remember?!

Kefford and I got up early that morning and showered and got ready to go to the hospital. Kenedy and Ryker were at Keffords parents so no worries about them. we got to the hospital about 6:30 and got all checked in and ready. My Dr. came in at about 8:00 and broke my water, I then had to walk around for about and hour or two to try to get the labor started, i really hated the walking around i had to do. i was feeling some pains while i was walking but when I stopped they stopped. finally I got hooked up to the pitocin and my contractions slowly started. I endured them for quite a while and then when I finally had to stop being brave i asked for my epidural. here is where things got...interesting. the guy came in and gave me the epidural and after he left it started to take...but only on the left side. My right side was still in pain. They called the anesthesiologist to come back and when he came back it was a different guy. We told him what was happening and he took a needle and shot something into my I.V. Immediately the room started to spin and I started to get lightheaded. I put my hand up to my face to cover my eyes and tears started pouring out and my body started shaking. kefford was watching all of this happening, he said I turned deathly white, and got the nurses attention along with the anesthesiologist. They rushed over and the nurse was questioning me trying to get me to tell her what I was feeling and trying to get me to calm down. I couldn't tell them what I was feeling because I didn't know what i was feeling. It was all so crazy and scary and strange i didn't know what was going on. I think the anesthesiologist might have put something else in my I.V. to help calm me and eventually I was able to relax and stop shaking and crying. the nurse, and I agree, thinks that it might have been a panic attack brought on by the drugs put in my I.V. Whatever it was it was not fun. So I just lay there trying to keep calm and think happy thoughts. I had Kefford turn the TV to the baby channel so I could focus on something cute and happy. Oh and yes the epidural was fixed and I was in happy pain free bliss. Finally I was at a ten and it was time to push. Avynlea was a quick delivery and we were really happy when she popped put..all 8 pounds 10 ounces of her. yup 8 days early and still 8 pounds, how do I make such big babies?

After she came out the nurses took her and were doing their thing while my Dr was finishing me. I delivered the placenta and then the Dr saw that not all of it came out. he poked, he prodded but it was not coming, so he got a big stick like thing and started doing a D and C. Basically this is where they insert a stick like instrument and scrape the walls of your uterus, it is most commonly used on women who have miscarriages. thankfully I was numb still from my epidural otherwise for sure I would have been screaming. As it was it was not feeling to good. My Dr would scrape around and then massage my stomach, the massage word makes it sound nice but it was more like really intense squeezing, it did not feel nice at all. It was really making me sick to my stomach. So there I lay, scrape, massage, scrape, massage. finally the Dr said it was not coming out and he had to take me to the operating room so that he could get a better look and possibly put me under to take it out. NOOOO! I. was. petrified!!! as they were getting me ready to wheel me out Kefford leaned over me, give me a kiss and told me it was going to be OK. I was upset more because Kefford did not look upset. He was so calm and I wanted him to be scared like I was, seriously your wife is going to have emergency surgery and all you can do is be calm? Later I found out how scared and upset he really was but of course he couldn't show that to me, he had to be calm so that I could be calm. So I was wheeled back to OR and more people were in there getting me ready and talking to me and calming me down. I was feeling really sick from all the "massaging" and so they brought me a little bowl to throw up in. The entire way to the OR i was praying to the Lord for help and I know Kefford was saying prayers back in the delivery room. As the Dr. was looking me over checking it all out he suddenly said "you must have been saying your prayers because everything is now out". YAY I was going to be OK. So they kept me a little bit longer to make sure and then wheeled me back to the delivery room. When I was almost there I could hear my kids voices and I knew that Alison was there with my older two.

Kenedy and Ryker were so excited to see their new little sister. while Kenedy was holding her she kept whispering "I am going to be the best big sister for you" it was the sweetest moment!

I was completely wiped out from everything that happened so all I did was lay there and try to eat something. I never got a picture with me holding Avynlea while in the hospital, I don't think I ever realized that until today when I was looking for pictures to post. Maybe Alison did but I think with everything that happened before and after delivery it was not a big concern. It's OK she still knows I love her.

Avynlea Jem Peterson
February 2, 2005
8 LBS 10 OZ