Saturday, May 20, 2023

Seminary Graduation

Avynlea went Sturgeon fishing at Swan Lake with her friends Austin and Taylor. They caught a really big fish and it freaks me out a little looking at the picture of her and Austin holding it but Avynlea said it wasn't a big deal and that she had a lot of fun.
Joshua sent a picture of Amos using the gift Avynlea gave him for Christmas. I am glad he loves it and that he has such a big sand area to play with it in his backyard.
Saturday morning was Avynlea's seminary graduation. Our Bishop wasn't able to be there and so Kefford and I went up when it was the kids from our Ward getting their diplomas, I wasn't prepared for that but I was happy to be up there to give Avynlea a hug when she came across with her Diploma. 
I am super proud of Avynlea for her dedication of Seminary Attendance and for her willingness to participate and be a leader the years she was asked to lead. She is such an awesome example and is so good at sharing her light.
Rylee, Avynlea, Kefford and Elizabeth

Avynlea, Sadie and Madison
Rylee wanted a picture with Avynlea and of course they had to goof around for the pictures.
Avynlea and Rylee
Kefford then also had to do some silly pictures

Elizabeth, Avynlea and Kefford

After taking pictures outside we went back in and I got a picture of Avynlea with the other graduates form the Bainbridge Ward
Addy Bjorn, Avynlea and Kaitlyn Lindley