Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Lacrosse Banquet

Wednesday night was Rylee's end of the season Lacrosse Banquet. It was fun to be able to go and celebrate Rylee and her athletic achievements. It was a potluck dinner and when we got there Rylee wanted to sit with her teammates, that was fine but it was just me because Kefford couldn't make it and I didn't know a lot of the parents. Luckily I was able to sit with the Laing's and the Olsen's who used to be in our ward, it was nice to have some familiar faces and to not be alone.
Rylee got the Athletic Scholar award as well as her Varsity Letter which was very exciting for her. I love that she has found a sport that she enjoys and has friends on this team. She has loved playing Lacrosse this year and is excited to play more next year.

                           Avery and Rylee                                           Coach Abby, Rylee and Coach Meg