Friday, June 11, 2021

Ryker's Senior Pictures and Grad Announcement

Lana created Ryker's Grad Announcement for me. I sent her some ideas of what we were thinking and we flagged some of the pictures we liked the best and she put it all together. The first version had a lot of pictures on the back which I thought looked too cluttered so I asked her to take most of them off and just leave three. I love how it turned out! The only frustrating thing about it was right after we got it printed MHS changed the date and location of Graduation. It worked out for the best since they could accommodate more people by changing it but it was wrong on the announcement which was irritating. Luckily we weren't he only ones who had the date wrong so I didn't worry too much about it. Those wanting to come to the Graduation knew the correct day and place and the Open House we were having for him stayed the same and that was a more important date for most people. 
Lana took Ryker's pictures in October and I couldn't be there but it was probably better that I wasn't because Ryker wouldn't feel so awkward with me watching his every move ;). I love how they turned out and think Ryker looks so handsome.

We wanted to get some senior shots of Ryker with his Golf stuff and since I didn't want to bug anyone about helping me and to make it no pressure for Ryker I just took him to the Spurwing Golf Course Easter morning and took some pictures with my phone. I am learning how to edit and so these are not great but I thought they were at least decent and workable. We were pretty quick too which was nice :)