Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Happy Birthday Kefford!

We celebrated Kefford's 45 Birthday today! Kenedy put a really sweet Birthday message for him in her stories on Instagram.

I made him a chocolate cake and I bought the 4 and the 5 candle from the Dollar Store. It is really hard to get a good picture out of this guy, the one on the right is the best we could get, lol.

I tried to get a picture with Kefford and the kids at home and nobody could take it seriously.
A little better with me but he just likes to be goofy for the pictures

Kefford usually doesn't have any wants for his birthday but he has been wanting a new pair of work shoes so I bought him those and then a bag of mini boxes of theater candy so he can have some small treats to munch while he watches his movies.
we sure love this guy and are glad he was born 45 years ago!