Saturday, June 5, 2021

Cheer Tryouts!

This week Avynlea had Cheer Tryouts. I cannot believe that she is going into her Junior year of cheer and it makes me so sad that we only have two more years with her and with cheer. I have loved having my girls involved with cheer and have loved going to all of their games and watching them. I do not know what I am going to do with myself when this is all over. 

Kara posted a picture on Instagram announcing a countdown to tryouts and I liked seeing Avynlea, she is the cutest!

Tryouts were Saturday morning and we were so happy to have things back to normal and they could do in person tryouts once again. Per tradition I took Avynlea's picture before she left for tryouts, such a cutie.
Results were emailed to the girls Sunday night and Avynlea got her letter letting her know she was on Varsity again! She was pretty happy and is ready for another fun year of cheer!