Friday, November 29, 2019

Scentsy Light Tunnel

Friday morning Kefford and went to Fred Myers to get some half price socks. While we were there I found some winter flannel sheets on sale for $15, all sizes! I was pretty excited about that deal! I bought some for mine and Kefford's bed because we needed some and I also bought Rylee some for her bed. About a week ago we sold Rylee's twin bed because we were given a queen bed that a friend was getting rid of. I have been wanting a bigger bed in that room since it doubles as the guest room and was pretty happy to get one for free. Rylee needed flannel sheets to fit her bigger bed and I was happy to buy her some cute winter themed ones. I also got her some matching pillow cases that say Merry Christmas on them. Rylee is all about the holidays and loves to decorate her room for Christmas. I knew she would love these pillow cases and since she keeps her room really clean and always makes her bed I decided to give them to her as a reward.
Emily met us at the Fred Meyers and when Kefford was done he left and Emily and I went to the Boise mall so she could hit up some of her favorite stores. We had a good time laughing and being together and shopping!
When we got back Rylee, Avynlea and I went with Joshua and his family over to the park. The boys needed to play outside for a bit and we were happy to accompany their family.
After dinner that evening we went over to Scentsy Commons to walk through and see the Light Tunnel. It is really pretty and a bit magical walking through the lights, my only wish is that they would make it longer. It ended much too quickly so we doubled back and went through one more time. It was a cold night so after she pictures we scurried on home.
Peterson Family 2019!

Elizabeth and Kefford
top: Emily, Elizabeth and Mallory
bottom: Avynlea, Alyssa, Isabelle, Kenedy and Rylee

We sure do love Amos and Fredrick, they are so cute and make everything more fun and exciting! Amos hugging the tree is quite possibly the cutest thing to have happened in a long time!
After we got back and Mallory put her boys to bed Emily, Isabelle, Avynlea and I accompanied her to Target. I needed to return an item and Mallory wanted to get some things for Amos's birthday. While we were there Isabelle and Avynlea treated Emily and I to a little "weird Clothing" fashion show.
And Avynlea had fun doing her own special little photo shoot acting like a kid