Sunday, November 10, 2019

Family Fun

Rylee sorted her Halloween candy and decided to pick out the ones she didn't think she would ever eat. She separated them into groups and then packaged them up and took them to school to give to her teachers. She is so sweet. 
Saturday we went out to the Farm and Ryker had fun riding in Maddie's go-cart.
Kenedy was able to go to church with us and she took Kim's baby Gwen to hold during Relief Society. I took a picture to show Rylee because Rylee has become obsessed with wanting Kenedy to have a baby. That would be fun but she definitely needs to get married first and then she can have a baby maybe in about 5 years ;). 
After church Kenedy tried to get a goodbye hug from Rylee before she left to go back to Rexburg.
Later that night the rest of us left at home played Disney Codenames and then Avynlea got wrapped up like a burrito. I always love family fun time!