Saturday, May 18, 2019

Elevated Dance Project Dance Recital

The end of the year for dance is always so bittersweet! I am definitely ready for a break from the dance schedule and recital is always the best but I know I won't see a lot of the same girls next year and that makes me sad. I get to know these girls throughout the year and I love every single one of them! Some of them drive me crazy at times but I adore these kiddos and am always thankful for the time I get with each of them. 
This is the first year that I really got teachers gifts. Some of the Mom's and dancers were so sweet and wrote me really kind notes and gave me super thoughtful gifts. Thank you notes and gifts are definitely my love language!

The recital was broken up into two shows. I had four dance classes this year and I had two classes in each show. Each class did two dances and so I had 8 dances I choreographed, taught and had to remember so I could help them on stage. It was a year of growth not only for my dancers but for me as well. One of my favorite parts of teaching dance is seeing how much my dancers have progressed through the year. I love seeing the ones who really struggled with coming to dance class in the beginning grow and thrive on stage, it is amazing! This year I taught more dance classes and had to choreograph 7 dances! I was super nervous about this but I am so proud of the growth I saw in myself this year as a teacher and choreographer. I found confidence in myself and I learned that not everyone can handle the littles like I can, I did not know that was a skill but it is and I have it! I had a great year and I really love my job!

Twinkle Mice
Anything For You My Love
 (Bottom Picture) Back Row: Dottie, Annie, Paisley, Madison, Hannah, Sophie
Front Row: LeeAnna, Rylee, Sara, Juliette and Raegan

When Can I See You Again 
(Bottom Picture) Back Row: Kyah, Abigail, Kylie, Ashtyn, Amelia
Front Row: Tatum, Savanah, Remi and Sophia

Stompy the Bear

Eleanor, Guen, Eden B., Etta, Roen, Ellie, Eden S., Lennox, Kya, Kate and Colbie

Twinkle Mice
Disco Hippo
(Top Picture) Back Row: Eva, Morgan, Lilly, Aida, Brynlee
Front Row: Ady, Lucy, Sadie and Desi

Every single dance went great and I was super happy with them all except I was really disappointed with the Oyster dance. I had to be in the front so I couldn't put them on the stage when it was their turn and I had Sydney help me with that. She did not get them out in time and they were lost and confused for a lot of the dance. It made me really sad but their Moms were super understanding and told me it was great and they loved what they saw.  Phew
But other then that it was a great night and I went home happy, ready for summer break and looking forward to what next year brings!