Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Citrus Pear

Some friends in the ward were telling us about Citrus Pear which is a freezer meal class they had signed up for and were wanting more of us to go. I have heard about the class and was wanting to try it out so I signed up to go. It was held at the Market Street Albertsons and you pay a fee and then go and prepare 20 freezer meals. I was impressed with how quick it went, how fun it was and that I went home with 20 meals to feed my family. I loved it so much that I signed up to do the July class as well. It is so awesome to have so many meals in my freezer that will be so easy to pop in the crock pot whenever I want for dinner.
They had all of our stations set up and once we got our bag with the meat in it we put the other ingredients in it and then sealed them up and put them in our coolers to take home.

I am in the front with Jessica Lewis to the left of me, Emily Walker behind me and Kim Hansen to the right of her.
After we were done we walked around the Albertsons to check it out and we found they had a sale on their pasta. Kim and I each bought 21 boxes of pasta for .40 each, regular $1.99, we were pretty excited about that deal!