Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Book Signing and Thank You's

My friend Devri Walls is an author of fantasy books. She came out with her second book in her "Venators" series and had a meet and greet in Boise. She invited me to come and of course I want to support my friends so I went to her book signing. I went last year to the release and book signing of her first one but I have to admit I have not read the book yet. I read one of her stand alone books and loved it but "Venators" is a series and I don't like to start a series until all of the books have been written and released, it drives me crazy to have to wait for the next book to come out.
So this year I went to the book signing and bought her new book even though I hadn't read the first one yet. I was just a little confused when people would ask questions I had no idea about. I did ask Devri how many books she was going to have in the series thinking if it was just a few more I would continue to wait until they were all out. She said she did not know right yet, it could be a few more it could be ten more, it just depended on how well her books were doing. I am thinking I probably should just start reading the books.
Our ward was getting really big and the Stake decided it was time to redo some of the boundaries in our Stake and give some of our Ward to other smaller Wards. We all pretty much assumed where the lines for the split were going to be and if we were right our Young Women's president would not be in our Ward anymore. I saw our Bishop a week before we officially found out the new boundaries and in telling him how much I loved my Beehive calling he assured me I had nothing to worry about in being released and they wanted me to stay right where I was. I felt good about that and didn't give it a second though. Fast forward to the next week where we were told our assumptions were right and the boundaries were divided where we thought they wold be so goodbye to our President. I was still fine and happy until I was told by the Bishop that he owed me an apology because as it happened I was released along with the President and I was not not going to be in the Young Women's anymore. He is a new Bishop and didn't realize that because the President was released her counselors are also released, he felt really bad and I couldn't be upset with him. I felt blindsided and a little bit like I was being pushed out because I really loved my calling and was not ready for a change. I was really sad for about a week and then I was able to process it and be ok with a change. 
The Wednesday night I was at Devri's book signing was my first night not having to go to Mutual. It was strange to send the rest of my family off and not be going with them, Kefford is the Young Men's President. But the more time I think about it the more I am looking forward to not having to be so busy with Young Women's. At Mutual that night the new presidency had the girls write Thank you's to us outgoing ladies and when I got home I found a bouquet of flowers with the sweetest notes from the Young Women. Reading their sweet messages really made my night, I love those girls so much! 
 Later that week I was called to be the Sunday School teacher for the 16 and 17 year olds. I was really nervous about that but then I looked at the class list and read who was in the class I was really happy because they are girls that I know, love and that are my friends. 
While I was being sustained on Sunday I looked behind me and saw Abby Larson celebrating in her seat that I was going to be her teacher and after Sacrament meeting she couldn't stop telling me how excited she was. I then had Madi Eberhard come over with a huge grin and a big hug for me telling me how excited she was! These girls are the best and I am so happy I get to be with them in Sunday School!