Thursday, July 27, 2017

Six Flags Magic Mountain

We left the beach Thursday night and drove to my Mom's house where we finally got nice showers and beds to sleep in. The next morning we got up and got ready to go to Six Flags. Kefford and the kids have never been and Kefford really wanted to take them on this trip. I was sad to leave my family early but agreed to go along with the plan once Kefford promised I could come back down to be with my family at the end of August. 
Six Flags is mostly roller coasters and I thought I would be able to handle them but boy was I wrong. The first ride we went on was the Batman ride and it was fine, no problems while riding. But that was the only ride that did not give me issues, from the next one on I got really sick and my head would start pounding on all of the downward thrusts. I was almost in tears on the few roller coasters I went on after the first one and had to call it quits after about 4 or 5. I was bummed because they looked like fun but it was just too much for me. Kefford went on a couple more with the kids after I quit but then he had to stop as well, we are just getting too old. Never mind that though the kids had a lot of fun and went on every ride they could. I was pleasantly surprised at Avynlea's willingness to go on rides and at how much fun she had. This girl gets really motion sick riding in the car but she did amazing on the rides! I am glad they had so much fun!
 The bumper cars were a safe bet for me to ride on although I did try to get Avynlea, my riding buddy, to stay clear of bumping anyone. I wasn't sure my poor stomach could take anymore jolting.

 It was a pretty hot day and we rode the water ride in the hopes of cooling off just a little. We wanted a little cooling off but what half of us got was water dumped on us. My bottom half got really wet but that was nothing compared to poor Avy and Rylee, they got completely soaked and looked like two little drowned rats at the end of the ride. We had four strangers on the ride with us who did not get touched with the water and were laughing so hard at my two youngest. 
Avynlea took a small break from the roller coasters and while the others went on a ride she and I braved the carousel. It was pretty fun and after the other kids got done with their ride Ryker and Rylee came on the carousel with us for another go around. This time I sat on one of the non moving benches with Avynlea.
We watched one of the shows they have called KWERk. We were not sure what to expect but it was really cool and fun to watch. It was steam punk themed with different dancers and people showing off their acrobatic artistry. We all really loved the show!
The smartest thing we did that day was spend $10 on a refillable drink cup. We got a wrist band which Ryker wore and using that anytime we needed a refill we got a free one. We only had one cup between the 6 of us and Ryker was constantly running off to refill our drink. We must have refilled it at least ten times throughout the day but it was so worth it and helped out a lot with our thirst.

I always enjoy riding the swings

 I love these four silly kids of mine!

We had a good fulfilling day at the park and when the day was done it was time to head home. 

We decided to start the long drive home to Idaho that night by driving about two hours and then stopping at the Motel 6 so everyone but especially Kefford could get some sleep. 
We got to the Motel 6 at about midnight and once Kefford paid we drove around to our room and quickly got ready for bed. At about 1:30 we were woken up by some really loud music that sounded like it was right outside our door. Kefford went to investigate and found a group of people on the bottom floor hanging out outside their room playing their music at top volume. He told them to turn it off which they did and he came back to bed. At about 3:00 we were again woken up but this time it was people right outside our door talking and messing around with a little toddler running back and forth. It was ridiculous. Kefford went outside and went to the lobby to get our money back. Once he did that we left and drove to Bishop, we got there at about 5:30 or 6:00 and Kefford parked behind a gas station so he could sleep for an hour or so. It was the worst night and I never want to live through that again. After Kefford got a little bit of rest he drove us the rest of the way home where it was so nice to get back to our home.