Monday, July 17, 2017

Beautiful Model

This summer our Ward is doing Trek and only 14 and up can go. Since the Beehives can't go they decided to do a three day Beehive camp and Avynlea was very excited about it. I got this picture of her before she left Thursday morning and she is looking so cute and ready for camp.
Rylee and I were home alone for a lot of the day so we took this selfie of us enjoying Mommy and Me time. She is so pretty and she just had a hair cut and added side swept bangs which look really good on her.
A friend of mine opened up an online boutique and she was looking for girls to model some of her clothes for the website. She asked if Kenedy could do it last minute and luckily for her and Kenedy she was available. It took about an hour and Kenedy was able to model quite a bit for her. I went on the website and on Instagram and took screenshots of some of the pictures of her. I think she looks so pretty and I love that she was able to have this opportunity. Lindsey asked Kenedy if she wanted payment in cash or in clothing and Kenedy chose clothing. She received two dresses and was quite happy about that.