Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Amos Comes to Visit and a Tale of a Tailless Bunny

I was excited to get back from our California trip because Heather was flying into town that night! We showed her such a good time when she came in march that she came back for two weeks...Yes!! Her flight got in at about 11:30pm and after picking her up and visiting a little we went to bed.
It was our families turn to help clean the church and so we went Saturday morning along with Heather for some cleaning. We were put in charge of cleaning the bathrooms while Avy and Rylee were cleaning blackboards. In the boys bathroom Heater and I refused to clean the urinals so we did sinks, mirrors and trash while Kefford did the other. In the girls bathroom we cleaned the toilets and did the trash while Kefford did the other stuff. Heather had Kefford take a picture of us cleaning so that she could send it to Mom. Heather never goes with her to help clean the church so she wanted to send proof that she actually did it.

After we were done Kefford took the kids to Nyssa for Grandpa Farrell and Grandma Marge's memorial and grave sight dedication. I stayed behind with Heather because Joshua and his family were coming over for the weekend on their way to Utah. He didn't get here until after the rest of my family got home but we were really happy to see him and Mallory and we were especially happy to see baby Amos. The last time we saw this cute boy was when he was just a couple weeks old so it was fun to see him a bit older. He was so smiley and would just grin when he would look at you. He is a big boy also and was quite heavy to hold after a while. 

Joshua brought his dog Wyndemere and had him out in the backyard. Avy and Rylee went outside while we were inside giving Josh and Mallory a tour of our house. All of a sudden Joshua said No and he hurried outside. I looked out and saw Avy holding back a lunging Wyndemere who was barking pretty hard at the bunny hutch. Once Joshua got out there he grabbed a hold of his dog and pulled him away. I saw Avy kicking at a dark thing on the ground and I thought it was poop from the dog, I also wondered why she was kicking at it. Once things got calmed down outside they came in with a sad tale. Avynlea wanted to hold the bunny so she took Bonnie from his cage and was holding him against her chest when Wynde lunged and jumped up at  Bonnie. Wynde grabbed Bonnies tail with his mouth and pulled it clean off! It was crazy town! The girls quickly put the bunny back and Avy grabbed Wynde to keep him from attacking more. 
Joshua felt terrible and Avy and Rylee were a bit traumatized by the entire thing, I think we all were. Later I went into the garage looking for something and I saw that Kefford had moved the bunny tail and put it on the dresser in the garage. I took a picture of it and sent the picture to my family group chat saying that Wynde pulled off Bonnies tail. Mom didn't believe us and was really skeptical so I told her that it really did happen and briefly explained the situation. She seemed to have come around but then later she started questioning it again so I called her and told her the story and reassured her that I really was telling the truth. She said Ashleigh was doubting our story and with her arguments my Mom started doubting us again. My Mom believes us but I think Ashleigh is still in the non believing camp. Nothing I can do about that,  but it did happen and we have a tail in the garage and a tailless bunny in the rabbit hutch. Bonnie seems to be doing ok but was not letting the girls hold him for a couple of days after the incident, who can blame him!?
Monday morning Joshua and Mallory had to head out for Utah and we were sad to see them take Amos away. It was fun to hang out and love on the baby and we are excited to see them in a couple of weeks at the beach!