Monday, June 8, 2015

Last day of school, Friends and Awards

I always take pictures of my kids on their first day of school but never seem to think to take a picture on their last day. I thought about it after I picked Ryker up from school on his last day as a 6th grader and snapped a picture on our ride home. I wanted to get one of Kenedy but she had a bunch of friends over and by the time they all went home she had to leave for cheer stuff so that never happened.

I cleaned out the girls room and when I found this salt dough map of Idaho that Avynlea made I asked her what we should do with it. She was not sure and so I suggested we take a picture of it and then she could throw it away. She thought that was a good idea and so we took some pictures.

After the pictures were taken Avynlea had a change of heart and did not want to throw it away any more and so I said we could put it up in her closet.
Avynlea and Rylee's neighbor friends were moving to Oregon and the morning right before they left in their car they came by to say goodbye. The girls will miss their friends but are excited for the new friends who will move in soon.
Avynlea, Kyla Kirkpratrick, Rylee and Taylor Kirkpatrick
Rylee decided she wanted to go running on the treadmill and I thought it was cute how she was reading her book while running.

Ryker asked me if I was going to go to the awards assembly at his school and I said no because I never got a letter saying I needed to go, he was not going to be getting an award. After school that day I asked him about the assembly because he was supposed to be helping at it. He said it was good but kind of a bummer because everyone around him had certificates but him and that made him feel bad. Ryker asked his friend Tyler what award he got and Tyler said for having a GPA between 3.5 and 3.99. That got me thinking what Ryker's GPA was because I knew Ryker had all A's and B's and shouldn't his GPA be up there also. So when I got home I checked on Power School and sure enough Ryker had a 3.6. I emailed his vice-principal, Mr. Roberts  just to see if it could be looked into wondering if a mistake was made. This was the reply I got...

*I will be happy to look into this.  It is necessary for us to have a cut off date in order to calculate grades, print awards, and have them ready for the assembly.  This year the date was May 19th.  If for some reason his GPA was not in that range on that date he would not have received the award.

Let me check and get back to you.

I replied with a thank you and when I did not hear anything the next day which was the last day of school I figured it was not happening. Even though it would have been nice Ryker did not need a certificate to show him how great he is. The day after that I got another email from Mr. Roberts which said this...

*Mrs. Peterson:

I apologize for not getting back to you yesterday.  I did check on Ryker's GPA and you are correct he finished the year with a 3.6.  On the May 19th cut off his GPA was 3.45, 3.5 first semester and 3.4 to that point in the second semester.  Regardless of the cut off, which is necessary to make the assembly doable, we would like to acknowledge his hard work and academic success.  I have asked the counseling secretary to prepare the certificate for him.  What would be the best way to get that to you?  The office will be open through next week if you want to come by and pick it up, or I could mail it to you.  Let me know which works best for you.

First of all it is still a little strange to be addressed as Mrs. Peterson, I am more used to Sister Peterson and the Mrs. Peterson throws me a little when I see or hear it, I know, kind of weird of me. It was really cool of him to do this and I know Ryker was working really hard the last month to bring his grades up and I am glad that he gets this acknowledgment. After I sent an email thanking him again I let him know I would pick it up the next day and he responded with...

*I will leave it in the front office and you can pick it up from the secretary.  He is a great kid and we are happy to honor him.  Enjoy your summer.

Ryker is a great kid and does not give himself enough credit or confidence with how smart he is. He and I stopped by the school of Friday and we picked up his certificate. I had him stand by the wall so I could take his picture and then I gave him a hug and told him how proud I was of him. I hope that this will give him a little more confidence in his abilities and will want to work even harder next year. I love this guy!