Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Honor Choir Concert and Family Movie Date

Avynlea had her final Honor Choir Concert of the year. This was the first time I have been able to go to hear her sing. The other concert I missed because of the winter dance show. She was pretty cute to watch and the songs were fun and entertaining. Kenedy stood off to the side so she could record and take pictures for me. What good, helpful kids I have!

Saturday evening Kenedy was at a friends house and Kefford suggested the rest of us go to the movies to see "Home". We ate dinner pretty quick and then headed off. We don't do things like this very often with the kids and so when we do it is more of a treat and way fun for them. We all liked the movie and thought it was a good one. My favorite part is watching my kids have fun and enjoying the movie!

We watched the movie in 3D and after the movie a couple of the kids kept their 3D glasses. Avynlea and Rylee bedazzled theirs with some bling and then wore them to school after taking out the lenses. Rylee was cracking me up with how cute she looked after school wearing her glasses and cutting up sheets of stickers she got from school.

On Monday night Kefford gave a lesson for FHE on the importance of reading the scriptures. He had them all pick a topic of a gospel principal that would help us in life and then had then all find a scripture relating to it using the Topical Guide. His purpose was to show them how we can find help using the scriptures. After that he printed off Book Of Mormon reading charts for each of them with the challenge to read the Book of Mormon. All the kids were excited about it and started right away. Kenedy decided to stay where she was in her reading and then loop back around rather then starting completely over. When I went into the girls room after they were in bed I laughed seeing the new addition to their wall. They put it their thinking it would be convenient to use them to color in their charts after they read. Silly and creative girls!