Sunday, May 17, 2015

Mothers Day

On Mothers Day my family normally makes me a delicious breakfast of French Toast, my favorite! But this morning I was still full from the dinner I ate late the night before so I told them not to worry about making me breakfast. Rylee did lightly toast a couple of pieces of bread and put butter and cinnamon sugar on them for me. I ate a couple of bites to be nice and then let her finish them off. Rylee has been pretty excited to change out her earrings but the changing day was not till the next day. I decided to go ahead and have her change her earrings on Sunday and she was a little nervous about doing this because it was not officially the right day. I assured her it would be fine and got her to let me switch out the piercing earrings for some adorable strawberries! She is so cute, I love this girl!

Avynlea had gone with her friends to the mall the day before and I did not get to see her and her purchases until that morning so she was excited to show me her new sunglasses. She wanted me to try them on for a picture and then I had her wear them for another picture. She is such a fun and cool kid, I love her lots!

For some reason Rylee decided to lay down on the floor underneath the table after church and eat some snacks. She is a bit of a coo coo sometimes.

Kefford and the kids did zero planning for a Mothers Day dinner for me. When he got home from church he asked the kids what they wanted to make for dinner and they said hamburgers. The problem being that we did not have any pattys or buns. So Kefford decided to be creative and make hamburger tacos. Basically he cooked up some ground beef, put that on the table along with taco shells, the seven layer dip I made earlier that week and ketchup and mustard. Not at all my definition of a Mothers Day Dinner. Avynlea put hamburger and ketchup and mustard on her taco and took a bite and then let everyone else have a bite. I politely refrained and tried not to gag at what they were eating. I believe I deserve a redo.
I told them that I wanted chocolate cupcakes and so Kenedy made me some for dessert. She wins the best dessert award!

Kenedy got me a gift card and wrote me a really sweet letter that actually made me tear up. It is really nice to have reminders that my kids really do love me and to have them show appreciation is awesome. Ryker got me some tulips which was really fun. I was just thinking the other day how cool it would be to have a bouquet of tulips and that is what I got! Avynlea gave me a cool shirt and Rylee made me a bought of paper flowers at school. They all made cards and wrote really sweet notes. The gifts and cupcakes made up for the dinner being less then stellar :). 

I forgot to get a picture of the tulips and by the time I remembered they were pretty much dead. oops!
I love my kids a lot. They frustrate me and drive me crazy but they are my favorites and my life would be really boring without them. I would have more money, but still a really boring life.