Monday, February 16, 2015


Cheerleading is an expensive sport! Luckily Kenedy loves it so much and is so dedicated so it makes it worth it..almost ;). She has a lot of cheer pieces to wear and this hoodie was one she got. A couple of weeks ago we all got an email telling us that some of the girls have dropped out of cheer and were selling their hoodies. I immediately replied saying I would take one because I have a cheer Mom shirt but it is always covered because I am always so cold so I thought this would be great. I could support my cheerleader and still be warm. After I got it I wore it to one of the basketball games and noticed some of the cheerleaders who were not cheering at this game wearing their hoodie. I started to feel super self-conscious thinking I was looking like one of those Moms, you know the ones who sit in the audience dressed like their daughters mimicking their moves. Not that I was mimicking any moves at all, I was just watching but you know what I mean. So I texted my sister-in-law to ask her opinion because she was the one who told me jokingly that she could see me being one of "those" cheer Moms. Here is how the exchange went

me: I am wearing a cheer sweatshirt that other cheer leaders are wearing. Is that equivalent to me wearing a cheer uniform, cause I am feeling pretty self-conscious.
Mallory: Haha! It's perfect!
Me: Another Mom is wearing one so it's ok right?
Mallory: Definitely okay! You are just more dedicated than all of those other lame Moms. 

So once I got Mal's approval I felt a lot better, plus it makes me feel giggly when I wear mine when Kenedy wears hers because it annoys her a little and she will take hers off.  Ha ha ha!

I think Kenedy is almost taller then me. In the picture it looks like she is but I am wondering if it is a weird angle. Either way she will be passing me up.