Friday, February 20, 2015

Kenedy is 15!

Kenedy turned 15 on February 18th. She was so excited for her birthday and to be one year older. I would say how weird it is to have a kid who is 15 but I know I say that every year on her birthday and so I will not repeat it this year, although it is pretty strange. 
After school we had a limited amount of time to do her birthday thing and so when Kefford got home we got to it. We ate dinner and I made her favorite dinner of chicken and rice. I didn't even ask her what she wanted I knew this was her favorite and so I made it. Luckily she was happy about it.
We had her open her presents during dinner because Kefford and Ryker had to leave fairly quickly. First she opened up the present from Rylee. Rylee and Avynlea picked from the things I bought at the flea market to give to her. Rylee was really excited and kept jumping around as she was opening it.

A princess toy camera
And sleeping beauty toys. One booth was selling a bunch of toys and she had a bag filled with Sleeping Beauty toys for only $3 so I bought it for Kenedy. Not exactly what a 15 year old wants but she is her favorite princess and they were super inexpensive so I did it. She can play with them when she gets bored! 
Next she opened the present from Avynlea, more toys! 
A cute shirt
Another Sleeping Beauty toy
Another super cute shirt

When I was in California and at Downtown Disney with my Mom I found this mug that I knew Kenedy would like. I always bring my kids back a little something when I leave on trips and this time I got Ryker, Avynlea and Rylee some things from the lego store and this was Kenedys leaving town present. She just had to wait till her birthday to get it because it cost a little more then the legos, and it was bought with her birthday in mind.
"Make it blue"                                             "Make it pink"
Then she got her final gift. Kefford gave her a pink charging cord and she thought that was it but then I called her number and a different ring tone rang because the number was now attached to her new phone! She was really confused when the phone was given to her asking if it was really for her and I showed her on my phone that I was calling her on that phone.  She was pretty thrilled with the gift. 

After the rush job of opening presents we sang happy birthday and she blew out her candle. I didn't have any normal birthday candles and so I just stuck a small candle on top of the cupcake tier. It worked great!

It was a purple cupcake mix with the aqua blue frosting but the purple was not as vibrant as I had hoped and imagined. It looks like chocolate cake in the picture. Oh well. 
It gave Avynlea a nice smile.
While Kenedy was at mutual one of her leaders and a couple of the girls snuck away to come heart attack her room. That was fun. Kenedy was not surprised when she came home because she said they were not as sneaky about it as they tried to be. Hahaha. It was still a fun thing to do.

5 reasons why I love Kenedy:
1) She is really forgiving and lets things go easily. I am really trying to learn from her example of not holding onto things. We will have an argument about something and then rather then holding onto her anger or attitude she usually is fine a little bit later. I love that about her and think that is a super way to be. 

2) She is very thoughtful to others. For Valentines day she made an original card and inclosed a personal heartfelt letter to each of the other JV cheerleaders, 19 in all. She spent a good amount of time doing these and did them without expecting anything in return. In fact none of the other cheerleaders did any valentines. The other morning I was not feeling well and I let Kenedy know that she needed to make her own lunch that day. I usually make the lunches. When I finally crawled out of bed to help the others get ready for school I found that she had made lunches for everyone, something I did not ask or expect her to do. That was really sweet and thoughtful and helped a ton. I loved it.

3)She is a beautiful girl! I love that she does not feel the need to wear a ton of make-up because she really does not need a lot. She keeps it natural and is just so pretty. 

4)She has awesome friends and makes good choices. I love the group of girls she is friends with and hangs out with. Some of them she has been friends with since Kindergarten and others she has collected along the way. These girls are so good to each other and help each other make good choices. The other night she had friends over for a movie night and the movie they chose to watch was one we had seen on TV and thought it would be OK. Later she told me that it was showing some things not so great and they decided to turn it off and play games instead. I love that she was able to make that decision with her friends and choose the right. Kefford and I were hiding out upstairs and would not have ever known, probably, but they made the right choice.

5) Kenedy has made the goal to get her Young Womens Personal Progress award before she turns 16 and is well on her way to meeting that goal. I think that is amazing and am so proud of her for making that goal. Her YW leaders are always telling me how much they love Kenedy and are so glad she is in their group. The president told me she is grateful in that Kenedy is always the first to volunteer for anything and always follows through. Another leader told me today that Kenedy always has such deep and insightful comments to make in class and she is so impressed with her testimony and spirit. It certainly makes a Mom feel so good to hear these things. I really love this girl of mine!

Kenedy's Favorites:
Color: Blue
Dinner: Chicken and Rice
Dessert: Ben and Jerry's "Everything but the..." IceCream
Candy: Symphony Bar
Church Song: If You Could Hie to Kolob
Radio Song: "I'm Not the Only One" by Sam Smith
Movie: Music and Lyrics
TV Show: Dance Moms
Friend: Lauryn Warner and Ashlynn Rich
Scripture Story: Helaman and the 2000 Stripling Warriors
Book: Fault in our Stars
School Subject: Acting
Thing to do: Be with her sisters
Princess: Aurora
Sport: Cheerleading