Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Oregon Coast Day 1 Sunday

Our First official day in Lincoln City. It was a Sunday and so we got up and got ready to make it to the 10:00 Sacrament meeting of the local ward. As we filed in we past an older man who had a big seashell bowl filled with rocks and shells that he was handing out. It was a little odd but also a nice gesture. He called them Treasures from the Lord and invited anyone to pick a Treasure. Sacrament meeting was nice, it was the Christmas program and I thought they did a good job. 
Before we left for Church we tried to cram all of the Grandkids together to get a picture and that did not go over so well. The little ones were not happy about being thrown in and were crying, the middles ones were wriggly and hard to keep in place, and the older ones did their best to help.  

After church we ate a nice meal mostly prepared by Bob and then we headed down to the beach to check it out.

I did not have any rubber boots to bring and so I packed my snow boots thinking those would be good enough. They were not. Rylee and I were both hit by a sneaker wave and my boots and pants got soaked and the boots filled with water. We squished our way back to the house so I could change my pants and shoes. Rylee was wearing rubber boots and only needed to dump the water out and change her pants. 
Kenedy got ahold of my phone to take some pictures of herself with some of her cousins. Some were happy about this and some were not. She also snapped a pictures of her Grandpa taking a much needed rest. 

After I changed I went back down to the beach to enjoy it some more. I had left my phone back with Kenedy and so I had Sara send me the pictures that she had taken with her phone.

I found that cold or hot, rainy or sunshiny, I love the beach! I love the smells, the sounds, the sights, it is definitely one of my top happy places.