Tuesday, December 16, 2014

All about me! And some of my kids. :)

For a long time now I have had trouble sleeping. I go to sleep just fine but then I wake up throughout the night and my body keeps me awake usually starting at about four in the morning. It is not the funnest thing but I decided to use this insomnia to my advantage rather then just wasting my time lying in bed wishing I could be sleeping. So I usually have myself stay in bed until five and then I get up and go on the treadmill for an hour. While on the treadmill I will read my scriptures and the Ensign all electronically on my Kindle. Bam! Just like that killing two birds with one stone. I am staying active and getting spiritual. The one morning I got up and got my workout gear on and then I decided to take my picture to see if I looked as good in all black as my sister Heather did int he picture she posted of herself in all black. One can see in the first picture how tired I am, I almost deleted it but thought what the heck. You can also tell my tiredness by how unkempt the bathroom is. I took a picture while the closet was gaping open and my morning stuff all over the sink. If I was not so tired it would have been a much more put together picture. 
I thought I looked a lot uncute in the previous picture so I took another one trying to look more awake.
After looking at the picture I decided I did look as good all in Black as Heather does, at least from the waist up. :)
I love braiding my girls hair and I am always so happy to try new things. I thought this day Avynlea's hair turned out looking very awesome when I did the zig-zag braid and so I took a picture to document it. Her hair is also getting thicker and it makes it even more fun to do braids on her.

While I was helping Avynlea cut some wrapping paper I accidentally cut my earbud extender cord in half. Drat! I was a very sad camper when that happened but my optimistic Rylee immediately grabbed them and said "I will keep one half and you keep the other half and that way we can remember always that we are family". Oh this girl is silly.
Me being the great supportive Mom that I am went to watch Kenedy cheer at one of the Basketball games. I love watching her cheer but am not always interested in watching what she is cheering for and so I brought a book along that my friend loaned me. So, yes, I was that person sitting in the stands at a High School football game reading a book. I did watch every cheer Kenedy did and I also did not spend the entire time reading, I did watch some of the game going on. I also took some pictures of myself reading while attending the game. When in Rome do as the Romans do, and when at the High School, do as the High Schoolers do. :)

Since I posted all of these selfies of me I am going to use this space to write about a funny happening that I really want to remember. I have ben serving in the Nursery for the past two plus years. I have loved it! I feel really bad that so many people turn down a calling to the Nursery or complain about it saying it is a terrible calling. It is such a loving and joyful place to be. I really put my all into this calling and at the risk of not sounding humble those kids loved me and I loved them. It was the greatest thing to hear them calling me "Sister Peterson" and them talking to me and being excited to see me. But like all things in the Church, change has to happen and a couple of weeks ago I was told I was being released and being given a new calling. I am now the First Counselor in the Relief Society. Big change! I was sad to leave the Nursery but excited for something new and for the chance to get to know the Ladies of our Ward and to serve them.
This past Sunday was my first Sunday in many, many years to attend Sunday School and Relief Society in my Ward. I was sitting in Sunday School and I was listening to the lesson and then all of a sudden my mind started wandering and it wandered right on over to Nursery. I started thinking "What are they doing?", "Do they need me?",  "Do they miss me?". You know, just random drifting thoughts. Then suddenly I heard my name being said followed by the question, "What are your thoughts on this?". I looked up and realized I was asked a question and I had no clue what was going on or what they were talking about. In my mind I was panicking trying to figure out what to say and then I decided to just own it. So I said "I am really sorry I was not paying attention, I was thinking about the Nursery". I could feel my face getting warm and I knew I was bright red. Luckily everyone laughed with me and the lesson moved on and I payed close attention to the lesson from then on. Oh man, classic Elizabeth story, I never fail to have crazy stories to tell about me.
I have these funny things happen to me a lot and it always makes me laugh.

Saturday morning Avynlea and Rylee wanted to go to the Breakfast with Santa event that was happening at their school. Kenedy was at Tumbling and Ryler was on a campout and Kefford had no interest in going so it was just the three of us. We decided to do the Santa thing right when we got their and it was only Rylee who did the Santa thing. Avynlea refuses, she has never liked the idea of sitting on a strange mans lap. But Rylee was all for it and hopped on up and told him what she wanted. After Santa we had a yummy breakfast with our friends the Mortensens and then we went home stuffed full and happy.